Basovishcha: documentary about iconic Belarusian music festival in Poland

dir. Jerzy Kalina, 2019

English subtitles

For thirty years, Basovishcha, the Festival of Music of Young Belarus, has been held in Gródek in north-eastern Poland, close to the Belarusian border. During the two-day event in the middle of July, the best rock bands from Belarus and Podlasie, as well as Polish rock stars, had a chance to show their worth. The name of the festival was derived from the abbreviation of one of its organisers, the Belarusian Association of Students in Poland (BAS).

At its very beginning, the stage of Basovishcha was occupied by mainly groups of the Belarusian minority living in Białystok region – R.F. Braha, Kardon, The Dvery, Bucket, 5set5, Concrete, Zero-85. But later, the festival was gradualy opening to rock musicians from Belarus, including famous Ulis, Nowaje Nieba, Mroja, Krama, N.R.M., ZET, Pomidoroff, Neuro Dubel, Lyapis Trubetskoy, Troitsa, Kriwi and Palac. The next stage was the cooperation with Polish players and bands, as the organisers were also set to build dialogue and partnership between young Belarusians and Poles. As a result, Basovishcha attenders relished the works of KULT, Armia, Proletaryat, Pidżama Porno, Acid Drinkers, Illusion, Lao Che, C.K.O.D, etc.

In 2019, the festival was staged for its thirtieth and last time. The authors of the documentary show its evolution against the background of social and political changes in Belarus and Poland, interview its most outstanding performers and divulge the reasons for the end of Basovishcha.

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