Freedom March: Warsaw gallery to show works by Belarusian photojournos

In March, Kordegarda, the Warsaw-based gallery of the National Centre for Culture, is expected to host an exhibition dedicated to the post-election developments in Belarus. The display is held on the initiative of the European Parliament; Belsat TV being a media partner.

The photo exhibition ‘Belarus: Freedom March’ showcases the events of the last six months in Belarus from the perspective of leading Belarusian photojournalists contributing to Belsat TV and other independent Belarusian media outlets: Yuliya Shablouskaya, Alyaksandr Vasyukovich, Darya Buryakina, Nadzeya Buzhan, Andrey Lyankevich, Lesya Pcholka, Volha Shukayla. According to the organisers, the authors of the photos happened to find themselves in the ambivalent and nontrivial role of a journalist and a citizen.

“They are committed journalists and creators; they are more confident and proud of their society than ever before. We asked them to add the context, i.e. to tell us whom they met on the streets, how they were feeling, whether it was safe, how their lives changed in recent months. We also wondered what we could wish them. And they were of the same mind: a free country, a free Belarus,” Joanna Kinowska, a curator of the exhibition, said.

Photo: Alyaksandr Vasyukovich

Its main organiser is the European Parliament; on December 16, the body awarded the democratic opposition in Belarus with the 2020 Sakharov Prize.

“Sakharov Prize is the highest distinction given by the EU for the actions in the field of human rights. Our exhibition is meant to honour the laureates of the Prize and at the same time to highlight that Europe supports them and remembers their persistent fight for basic values, i.e. fair elections, Ewa Michnowska, a representative of the EP Office in Poland, stressed.

So, jump at the opportunity and see the works by Belarusian photographers at Kordegarda (Krakowskie Przedmieście Street 15/17, Warsaw) on March 4-25 (Tue-Sun), from 11 am to 7 pm, the entry is free. The exhibition takes place with backing from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the National Centre for Culture and Kordegarda Gallery as well as Belsat TV.

Belarus’ democratic opposition awarded with 2020 Sakharov Prize in Brussels
