European Parliament critical of Russia’s support of Lukashenka’s regime

European Parliament. Photo:

MEPs have added paragraphs to the resolution on Russia relating to the situation in Belarus. The resolution itself was adopted on April 28.

According to the amendment, the European Parliament condemns the Kremlin’s support of undemocratic repressive regimes in Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Belarus. It is also deeply concerned about the political arrests of Belarusians in Russia and their subsequent extradition to Belarus.

The European Parliament is particularly concerned that Russia supports the targeted persecution of national minority organizations in Belarus, including the Union of Poles in Belarus.

On April 28, MEPs voted for a resolution calling to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT interbank payment information system and to stop the construction of Nord Stream-2. The measures are proposed to put pressure on Moscow in case it invades Ukraine.

The authors of the draft also call for the cancellation of oil and gas imports from Russia, freezing the European assets of “oligarchs close to the Russian authorities,” and revoking their visas.

The resolution was adopted in response to the situation with opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, the pulling of Russian troops to the Ukrainian border, and “Russian attacks” on the Czech Republic.
