Belarusian designer sells her collection to help political prisoners

The collection of the designer Alena Steinke. Photo: Belarusian Women’s Fund

Belarusian designer Alena Steinke has launched the sale of her collection to help women political prisoners, Belsat has learned from the Belarusian Women’s Fund.

Thank you for your support and send beams of light and goodness!

“Buy a dress and help those in need! The fate of my “LOVE” collection was apparently predestined. I want to donate the profits from the sale of the collection to the Belarusian Women’s Fund to help women political prisoners. You can help me do this by ordering the dress by 10.08.21. I chose this date for a reason. It is a special day in the history of Belarus – the day when the Belarusians decided to take their fate into their own hands,” says Alena Steinke.

Fabric, length, a combination of colors (white, red, and black only) and other details can be discussed with the designer.

Designer Alena Steinke’s collection. Photo: Belarusian Women’s Foundation
