Belarus authorities close down environmental watchdog Ekadom

On August 31, the Supreme Court of Belarus ruled to liquidate the public association Ekadom, its founder Iryna Sukhiy said on Facebook. The organisation is also bound to cover the expenses of court procedure (87 rubles).


In early July, the Belarusian Justice Ministry launched an unscheduled inspection of Ekadom. According to the authorities, the inspection revealed ‘violations’, issued a written warning, but then lodged a claim for closing down the NGO to the Supreme Court. Ekadom made an attempt to appeal the warnings, but the appeals were dismissed.

In mid July, the police raided the place of Ekadom director Maryna Dubina as part of the cases initiated under criminal artticles about ‘mass riots’ and ‘actions that grossly violate public order’.

Ekadom has 25-year history; its goal is to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles and ideas of sustainable development. The organisation has over 80 members.

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