War in Ukraine: Day 6

We have summed up the results of the sixth day of the full-scale war that Russia started in Ukraine.

Local residents weave camouflage nets for the military. Uzhgorod, Ukraine. March 1, 2022. Photo: SG / Belsat

In Ukraine

Russian troops continue shelling Kyiv with artillery. Two explosions were reported near the TV tower. As a result, the TV broadcaster’s hardware was damaged and there were temporary problems with TV broadcasts. Several bystanders were killed on the spot.

The central square of Kharkiv was hit by an airstrike. At least 10 people were killed and more than 20 injured. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that “this is terror against the city, terror against Kharkiv, terror against Ukraine”. In the evening, the shelling of the city continued.

Tetyana Tsybulnik, head of the administration of the Novobavar district of Kharkiv, reported the shooting down of a plane that was bombing the city. The Russian plane fell near the Losk market.

In the Sumy region, a Russian military vehicle crushed a car with a man who was trying to stop a convoy. Also in the region, the first exchange of prisoners between the Ukrainian and Russian armies took place. One Russian soldier was exchanged for five fighters of the territorial defense of Ukraine.

Kharkiv, Ukraine. March 1, 2022. Photo : AP / Belsat

Residential buildings were shelled in Kherson.

Near Odesa, the village of Dachnoye was shelled, a gas pipeline was damaged, nine buildings caught fire, one person was killed, and there were wounded.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the occupants’ equipment at the Berdyansk airfield, which had previously been seized.

In Russian-occupied Kupyansk, people protested and raised the Ukrainian flag.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov said that Ukraine might launch a preventive missile retaliatory strike against Belarus.

In Russia

On March 1, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian army would continue a special military operation in Ukraine until it achieves its goals. According to him, the strikes are carried out with high-precision weapons only against military facilities and exclusively with high-precision weapons.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had no data on human losses of the Russian Armed Forces during the military operation in Ukraine.

Local residents weave camouflage nets for the military. Uzhgorod, Ukraine. March 1, 2022. Photo: SG / Belsat

Names of 120,000 Russians fighting in Ukraine have been posted online.

The broadcast of “Echo of Moscow” was cut by the authorities. Earlier, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office threatened the radio station for “false information regarding Russian troops in Ukraine.”

In Belarus

The second round of talks between Ukraine and Russia may take place as early as March 2. Earlier it was reported that it could take place on the Belarusian-Polish border.

Lukashenka convened an enlarged Security Council and said that air defense systems in Belarus were put on alert to “prevent strikes to the back of Russian troops.”

On the night of March 1, there was an act of sabotage at the railway stop Sineva (near the Stolbtsy station). It resulted in the destruction of the SCB (signaling, centralization, and blocking) cabinet.

In the world

The European Parliament backed a resolution granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate country. Ukraine’s application for EU membership has been registered. Now the procedure of its consideration begins.

The refugees are waiting for an evacuation train to the Czech Republic, the city of Chop in the Transcarpathian region, Ukraine. March 1, 2022. Photo: SG / Belsat

Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief representative for foreign affairs and security policy, thanked the Belarusians who came out to protest against Russian aggression in Ukraine.

During Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s speech at the UN conference on disarmament, all the representatives of the EU countries stood up and left the room.

Georgian authorities did not let a Ukrainian plane, which was supposed to deliver 60 Georgian volunteers to Ukraine, leave the airport. In response, Volodymyr Zelensky urgently summoned the Georgian ambassador.

Canada refused to buy Russian oil. It is the first Western country to take such a step. Earlier, it also joined the G7 sanctions imposed on Russia because of the attack on Ukraine.

Bulgaria fired Defense Minister Stefan Yanev, known for his sympathies for Russia.

The refugees are waiting for an evacuation train to the Czech Republic, the city of Chop in the Transcarpathian region, Ukraine. March 1, 2022. Photo: SG / Belsat

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stated that the country would create a “humanitarian passport” to receive Ukrainian refugees.

General Motors and Volkswagen have suspended shipments of cars to Russia. The Walt Disney Company will no longer show its films in Russia.

Russia’s war against Ukraine has been going on since February 24. Today, March 1, on the sixth day of the war, Russian troops came close to Kharkiv, Kherson, and Mariupol.

Against the backdrop of the war, Ukraine officially received the status of an EU candidate country.

Russian President Vladimir Putin officially stated that he was trying to change the political leadership in Ukraine through the war.

There is no official data on the number of soldiers killed on either side. But looking at the video of destroyed Russian equipment, it can be assumed that the Russian occupation troops suffered heavy casualties, including human losses.

