Exhibition about medics closed in Minsk after less than three days

On March 30th an exhibition dedicated to medics and the challenges they faced last year opened in the Minsk space “Mesto”. But after less than three days, the exhibition was closed due to the violations found in the exhibition space.

The opening of the project, “The machine is breathing, and I am not”. March 29, 2021. Photo: TK / Belsat

The exhibition “The machine is breathing, and I am not”, dedicated to medical workers, was supposed to be open until April 17, but on April 1, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the sanitary service came to the event space. As a result, the venue was closed the next day until the violations are eliminated.

Public association “Zvyano” and art platform “SHKLO” conceived the exhibition last September on a wave of solidarity with the health workers.

Five artistic and documentary projects tell about the challenges faced by Belarusian doctors. These include the fight against the coronavirus in the conditions of silence about the truth and the unprecedented violence of law enforcement during the events of August.

