OSCE demanding release of political prisoners in Belarus

The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE has reacted to an audio recording where Mikalai Karpenkau, head of the Internal Troops of Belarus, speaks of his plans to set up a camp for protesters, reports the press service of former presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya.

The PA members criticized the intention to create camps and the order to shoot protesters, and called for releasing Ihar Losik and other political prisoners, bringing all those responsible to justice, and launching an international investigation on the recommendations of the OSCE Moscow mechanism.

“The OSCE is astonizhed and outraged by the regime’s latest actions. This goes beyond all limits and requires an international response. The OSCE PA was very active in the Belarusian issue from the beginning. Thanks to them, we had consultations with representatives of the regime, which, however, did not lead to anything. But now there will be a lot of questions to these representatives of the regime, and not only from us. Among other things, a report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Belarus will soon appear,” says Franak Viachorka, adviser to Tsikhanouskaya.

On January 15 the ByPol initiative published an audio recording with a voice similar to that of the head of the internal troops of Belarus Mikalai Karpienkau. Later, an expert check commissioned by TUT.BY confirmed that it was indeed Karpenkau’s voice. The deputy head of the Interior Ministry urged to shoot the protesters and announced the creation of a special camp for them.

