Bloggers and admins of neighborhood chats detained in Minsk

On the morning of March 2, Minsk law enforcers made mass arrests of administrators of neighborhood and specialized Telegram-chats. Dozens of people are known to be behind bars, the human rights center “Viasna” reports.

Mass detentions in Minsk. Security forces detained the administrators of Telegram-chats in neighborhoods and streets: Kamennaya Horka, Matusevicha, Pershamaiski district, as well as the Free Trade Union of Students. It is known that at least twenty people were detained in Kamennaya Horka.

In Minsk, it is also known that Volha Takarchuk, a blogger, who runs her own YouTube channel, has also been detained.

Volha Takarchuk. Photo: personal archive.

In addition, Maryna Savenak was detained. Eyewitnesses report that her apartment was broken into, Maryna was taken away in handcuffs, and a search was conducted in the apartment without owners.

In the morning the police visited the home of activist Ruslan Litsvin. According to his wife, Ruslan was detained and taken away “for insulting a police officer”. Allegedly, the man left an indecent comment under a post in social networks. It is not yet known whether he will feature in an administrative or criminal case.

Detentions in the regions

Last morning a Brest anarchist Alyaksandr Kazlyanka was detained in his own apartment. At 10 a.m. the head of the legal service of the organization “For Your City” received a call from Alyaksandr’s brother, Dzmitry, who said that their house had been searched.

“It was a real attack, Dzmitry Kazlyanka was put face down on the floor, and Alyaksandr himself was detained. Where he is now is unknown. They also took his equipment and phones. He was accused of using and distributing drugs, but this is ridiculous, I have known Alyaksandr for 15 years and he keeps a healthy lifestyle. This is not the first invasion of security forces into the apartment of Kazlianka, but it was so violent that Alyaksandr’s parents had to call an ambulance,” Valyantsin Lazarankou, Brest leader of the Free Trade Union of Belarusians, told Belsat.
