Petition supporting the rights of Belarusians and Poles living in Belarus now online

More than a hundred scientists, artists, public figures and journalists from Poland have signed an appeal to the Polish state to support the victims of repression in Belarus, in particular the activists of the Union of Poles, unrecognized by Alyaksandr Lukashenka. The document has been published at, where you can support the initiative.

“Regardless of our differences and even sometimes opposing political views, we express our deep conviction that Poland, as a state, must demonstrate its determination to protect the Polish minority in Belarus, as well as the freedom and rights of the entire Belarusian society, which is so determined to achieve them. We must mobilize our foreign partners and international institutions in this matter,” says the letter.

The signatories note the recent intensification of attempts to crack down on the structures of the Polish national minority in Belarus. The leaders of the Union of Poles in Belarus, whom Alyaksandr Lukashenka‘s regime accuses of fomenting hatred at the national level or propaganda of Nazism, have been detained. Polish education is also under threat. Such actions by Minsk since the rigged presidential election in 2020 fit into the narrative of Poland as a country that interferes in its neighbor’s internal affairs and initiates social unrest there.

A document expressing solidarity with citizens of Belarus who are persecuted, including Poles living there, was recently signed by more than a hundred cultural, scientific, media and public figures who represent different political views. It can be signed electronically at

The list of political prisoners in Belarus, compiled by Belarusian human rights organizations, now contains 325 names. On April 1, it also included activists of the Polish minority – Andżelika Borys, Hanna Paniszewa, Irina Biernacka , Maria Tiszkowska and Andrzej Poczobut.

