Brest pensioner facing freedom restriction for insulting Lukashenka

The trial of 64-year-old Alena Hnauk started on 2 September in Brest and will not last long. The verdict will be announced today at 15:00.

Alena Hnauk. Photo:

This spring Alena Hnauk was tried in the so-called “round dance” case. The woman did not hide the fact that she considered the whole process fabricated and politically motivated. She openly stated that the votes in the election were stolen, that people had the right to peaceful protest, and that Alyaksandr Lukashenka illegally held the office of the President.

The prosecutor Andrei Baranouski requested two years of “home chemistry” for Hnauk, and Judge Ina Klyshpach delivered such a verdict in the “round table” case for “organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order” (Article 342 of the Criminal Code).

Prosecutor Baranouski also initiated a new criminal case under Article 368 – “Insult of the President”.

The materials of the new case against Hnauk say that she said a negative appraisal phrase in the House of Justice, which publicly insulted the incumbent president.

Alena says that there was no corpus delicti on her part, she just spoke wrongfully about Lukashenka, but without insulting him.

On 19 August, the woman was summoned to Leninski District Police Department, detained, and sent to the TDF, but, as it turned out, on an administrative case, charging her with “demonstration of extremist literature” during the trial on the “roundhouse case”.

“When at the request of the judge I brought the materials characterizing me, among them was my book “Thought of a Christian lady”, which in 2011 was declared extremist by the Brest District Court. I was embarrassed to show my credentials, so I brought all my books, including this one, so that the court had a complete picture of who was,” said Hnauk.

The administrative process for displaying the book was initiated by Andrei Baranouski. But the judge Dzmitry Kurousky sent the case back for revision. The same Kurouski will sentence Hnauk today for “insulting the President”.

Alena says that the criminal case doesn’t scare her.

The prosecutor Mikhail Bulyhin asked for three years of “home chemistry” for the woman. In fact, the 64-year-old woman can add another year to the existing term.

“It does not matter to me how much they will sentence me to. I believe in change in our country because you can’t beat the truth,” Alena Hnauk concludes.

