Seven Minsk residents detained over straw bale paintings

Criminal charges were filed against the “partisanss” for “malicious hooliganism.”

Seven Minskers were detained on the night of September 1st, as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus informs. The police allegedly received a report from eyewitnesses who noticed a group of strangers in the field near the M1 highway. Several people were painting packed bales of straw. According to the Interior Ministry, “in a short time, they managed to paint 82 bales with protest symbols.”

Law enforcers arrested seven Minsk residents who had painted 82 bales of straw in WRW. Photo: screenshot from a video of Belarus MIA.

The detainees were are 27 to 51 years old. There are four men and three women among them. Those arrested had spray cans of red and black paint with them.

The Interior Ministry claims that two of the defendants are unemployed, while the other five work in a company or are sole proprietors. Some of them have been prosecuted for participation in unsanctioned public events. Two of the women have underage children.
