War in Ukraine: Day 9

We have summed up the results of the ninth day of the full-scale war that Russia started in Ukraine. Read about the main events of Friday, March 4, in our review.

Horlivka after shelling, Ukraine. It is difficult to say who exactly attacked the settlement, which is located in the territory controlled by the DNR: both sides provide opposing information and shift responsibility to each other. March 2, 2022. Photo: Stringer / Belsat

In Ukraine

More than 1,200,000 Ukrainians have left their homes and sought refuge abroad as a result of Russia’s 9-day war with Ukraine.

Ukraine has counted Russian casualties from the war: 9,166 people, 251 tanks, 33 planes, 37 helicopters, and 939 armored vehicles. Russia neither confirms nor denies these figures. For the third day, Russia has not updated the numbers of casualties among Russian soldiers.

Russian troops attacked the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

During the assault, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two more were wounded. A fire broke out on the territory of the plant. One of the auxiliary buildings, a training center at the plant site caught fire. Zaporizhzhya NPP is now under Russian control, but personnel control the operation of the power units.

Russian Grad was destroyed in Kharkiv. The same Grad, which yesterday shelled the North Saltivka area. According to the Ukrainian side, since the beginning of the war, about 500 pieces of equipment of the Russian troops have been destroyed in Kharkiv already.

The cities of Kherson and Melitopol can be considered occupied or partially occupied: Russian troops have entered the cities, but both local authorities and residents continue to protest the hostile aggression and takeover of their cities. Russian troops cut off Ukrainian mobile communications, and reports emerged of buses with Crimean residents planning to be involved in a “pro-Russian rally”. Russian television began broadcasting in these cities.

On March 4, Russian troops attempted to invade Mykolaiv, but the attack was repelled. The regional authorities, fearing an enemy attack, closed the waterways of two rivers.

On the same day, the Ukrainian military shot down two Russian aggressor aircraft – over Volnovakha and over Zatoka in Odesa.

In the village of Markhalivka (Fastivka district, Kyiv region), private houses were shelled, and at least 8 of them caught fire. Five people were killed.

A Belarusian volunteer, Ilya “Litsvin” was killed in the fighting for the town of Bucha (Kyiv region). He was a member of the Belarusian Azov company. Yesterday, during the battle, Ilya was wounded. He underwent surgery, but doctors could not save him.

Ukrainian volunteers have launched a website for Belarusians who may go to war. On the page of the site “Stay Home” they laid out the arguments why the Belarusian military should rather go to court-martial than go against Ukraine.

In Russia

Alexei Navalny’s team has announced a general rally against the war in Ukraine, scheduled for March 6 at 2 p.m. across the country.

The Kremlin rejected a conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The Kremlin claims that the Russian Federation is also not giving up on the demands of the so-called “denazification.”

Russia has passed a law on criminal liability for “fakes” about the army’s actions. The responsibility for violation of the new law will be the following: fines up to 1.5 million rubles and imprisonment up to 15 years, depending on the severity of the so-called crime.

In the world

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that the Alliance is not going to close the sky over Ukraine. At the same time, NATO will continue to support Ukraine, but will not participate in the military conflict by providing ground troops. It is assumed that such steps may lead to further escalation of the conflict.

Rafael Mariano Grossi, head of the IAEA, said he wanted to visit Chernobyl to negotiate an end to further attacks on nuclear power plants.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II made a large donation to a fund to help Ukrainian refugees. The specific amount of the donation is not specified, but the money raised will go to provide Ukrainian refugees with food, water, medicine, clothing, and shelter.

Microsoft has suspended sales of goods and services in Russia. Network software maker Cisco Systems Inc ceased operations in Russia and Belarus.

A rally in support of Ukraine was held in front of the White House in Washington.

A rally of thousands in support of Ukraine takes place in downtown Tbilisi.

