She quoted Bakharevich, spoke about moral choice and conscience. Kalesnikava’s final plea

Maryia Kalesnikava and Maksim Znak made their final plea word in court on 31 August. The session was held behind closed doors; the lawyers signed a non-disclosure agreement. The telegram channel of Viktar Babaryka posted information about what it learned about the last word of the Coordinating Council representatives.

Maryia Kalesnikava began her speech in Belarusian, with an excerpt from the work of writer Alherd Bakharevich, sent to her in a letter by the solidarity Belarusians. Maryia further noted that the trial of her and Maksim is historic, no matter what the decision will be.

Kalesnikava spoke about moral choice, conscience, respect, and love for people. About the fact that you can’t ignore what’s written in the Constitution.

Maryia thanked all the lawyers who were deprived of their right to do legal work during the trial and ended her speech with the words about the future of Belarus.

The judge interrupted Kalesnikava several times during the last plea, as it believed that her statements were not relevant, wrote “Radio Liberty.” However, the politician said everything she wanted to say.

Maryia Kalesnikava and Maksim Znak have been in custody since September 2020. Their trial began on August 4, it was held behind closed doors. Both are accused of the following:

  • calling for actions aimed at harming the national security of the Republic of Belarus;
  • conspiring to seize power unconstitutionally;
  • establishment and management of an extremist formation.

The sentence for Maryia Kalesnikava and Maksim Znak will be passed on September 6 at 12:00 in the Minsk district court at the address: 119a, Mayakouski Street, Minsk. The prosecutor asked for 12 years of imprisonment for both of them.

