Pavel Latushka announces new protest in May

Pavel Latushka recently told German journalists that he expected a mass protest against Lukashenka’s regime on May 9, Victory Day, Deutsche Welle reports.

“I’ll use social feeds to urge the Belarusians to take to the streets. If Lukashenka lets the protesters be beaten on May 9, he will go down in the history of Belarus as a fascist,” said Latushka.

According to the head of the People’s Anti-Crisis Administration, he and other members of the democratic movement are a group of experts “ready to take the fate of the country into their own hands.” Latushka notes that some members of the team remain in Belarus. However, he refused to name them, saying that otherwise, they would be arrested immediately.

Pavel Latushka called the current repression of the opposition in Belarus the worst in Europe over the past 40 years. “Repression has penetrated all sectors of society,” he said, adding that the Belarusian parliament is now working on a law that would allow the security forces to shoot at demonstrations without warning.

Pavel Latushka, ex-director of the Kupala Theater, ex-Minister of Culture of Belarus, head, and founder of the People’s Anti-Crisis Administration. From Belsat special report “Nyarodny Kut.” Photo: BS / Belsat

Answering the question of German journalists about whether Belarus is on the road to fascism, Latushka said Lukashenka had never concealed his admiration for the “order” created by Adolf Hitler.

According to Latushka, a special group was formed in Belarus to track down members of the Democratic Movement abroad and eliminate them.

“We are witnesses of terror in the XXI century Europe. But one day there will be a second trial for war criminals, like in 1945 at Nuremberg, I’m sure of it,” he added.

Commenting on the role of Western Europe in overcoming the political crisis in Belarus, Latushka stressed that “today Free Europe must pass a test that will show to what extent it is ready to defend such fundamental values as democracy and freedom.”
