Retaliation? Jailed Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk listed as ‘extremist’, put in punishment cell again

Sharenda family. Photo:

Official charges have been levelled against Brest-based activist Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk, our local correspondent reports. The mother of two minor children has been held in pre-trial detention centre Nr 7 for over four months.

The woman is accused under three articles of the Criminal Code: 368 (‘insulting President’), 369 (‘insulting a government official’) and 364 (‘violence or threat of violence against a police officer’).

So far, there has been no good news from Palina. Yesterday it became known that she was put in a punishment cell again – she will have to spend there another ten days. Palina has been also placed on the preventive register as a person ‘prone to extremism’. As she refuses to cooperate with the investigator and the prison administration, they keep exerting psychological and physical pressure on her, which I believe to be a direct threat to my wife’s health and life. I want to bring the public’s attention to the fact of prisoners’ being tortured in the pre-trial detention centre Nr 7. Palina has repeatedly reported [such facts], and now she is being avenged for that,” Palina’s husband Andrey Sharenda told Belsat.

Prisoners in Brest detention center tortured, inmate claims

On January 3, the police knocked down the door, conducted a search of Sharendas’ place and seized a number of things. At that moment, Andrey was serving a term for participating in a protest rally in November; Palina was detained and taken to the remand prison in handcuffs. A criminal case was initiated against the woman under Art. 364.

In late February, Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk was taken to the so-called Navinki from the local detention facility on February, 23. According to her husband, she was forced to undergo a forensic psychiatric examination at the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Mental Health in Navinki residential area in Minsk.

Brest police summon local activist Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk jailed since early January
