Political prisoner Nestsyarava sentenced to three years in jail

Maryia Nestsyarava. Photo: HRC Vyasna

The court upheld the request of the state prosecutor for Maryia Nestsyarava, reports HRC Vyasna.

On June 4th, Judge of Minsk court, Alena Kaptsevich, sentenced Maryia Nestsyarava to three years of imprisonment in a general regime colony, finding her guilty of ” of active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order and associated with obvious disobedience to the legal requirements of the authorities, which entailed disruption of transport, enterprises, and the organization of group actions that grossly violate public order and are associated with clear disobedience to the legal requirements of the authorities, which entailed disruption of the work of transport, enterprises, and institutions “(part 1 of Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus).

The decision was based on Maryia’s correspondence in the telegram channels and chat rooms. The indictment was 47 pages long.

Maryia has been in custody since October 24, 2020, and this time will count towards her sentence.

During the trial, Maryia pleaded guilty, but in her last statement explained what led her to “commit a crime”: She was an independent observer during the presidential election of 2020 and saw many violations in the commission’s work, whose chair was guarded by riot police. However, she did not find any response to her complaints.

