Police detain people who allegedly helped Belarusians escape to Lithuania

According to the investigators, the group is associated with the organization’s head, “Help” Natalya Kalehava. She responded to “Belsat” that this is nonsense: such a group does not exist.

Lithuanian-Belarusian border. Raigardas border crossing point, Lithuania. July 19, 2021. Photo: IA / Belsat

The Investigation Committee of Belarus has reported on criminal proceedings against a group of people who helped Belarusians flee to Lithuania illegally. According to the IC, several people acting on the Belarusian side were detained.

On September 2nd, the state TV channel “Belarus 1” broadcast a film about the migration crisis on the border with the countries of the European Union and the migration of Belarusians abroad. In the migration crisis, the BT accuses those who helped Belarusians escape from political persecution — they allegedly “opened Pandora’s Box.”

A man named former riot police fighter Andrei said that he had fled from Belarus through the organization “Help” headed by Natallia Kalehava. Aleg Myatselitsa was also named as the organizer of the escape.

Among the detainees, the BT story named Yauhen Buinitski who allegedly took people to the border (what was illegal in this case is unknown). The other detainees were not shown.

“They make up all sorts of things. There is no such group,” answered Kalehava to the question of “Belsat.”

In January, the Lithuanian media LRT published an investigation claiming that Kalehava was making money from refugees coming from Belarus. Andrei Stryzhak, head of the BySol Foundation, told the publication that he suspected Kalehava of falsifying documents and asking for money, not for political but economic migrants.

Kalehava replied that the investigation was untrue, that she did not falsify documents, and that she did not make money from migrants but only lost money. She added that she could present the proper documents at the trial if there were one.

