Over 110 people detained in ‘Zeltsar case’

After the shooting in Minsk, law enforcement officers detained people in different cities of the country who had left comments on the Internet about the death of Andrei Zeltsar and the KGB worker. According to the Interior Ministry, the police found more than 200 people who had left “offensive comments within a day.” Human rights activists drew up a list of those detained.

According to the information of the HRC center “Viasna,” as of October 4th, the law enforcement officers detained more than 110 people who were charged under Article 369 of the Criminal Code (“Insulting a representative of the authorities”) and Article 130 of the Criminal Code (“Incitement of social hatred”). The number of detainees is being specified.

On Tuesday, September 28th, in Minsk, law enforcers burst into the apartment of EPAM Systems employee Andrei Zeltsar, who was allegedly suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. A shooting ensued, during which Andrei and one of the law enforcers, a KGB officer, were killed.

