Poland’s leader Duda, Belarusian opposition politician Tsikhanouskaya meet at Warsaw Security Forum

Meeting of Andrzej Duda and Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Warsaw, 5 October 2021. Photo: Syarhei Pelyasa / Belsat

Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya is taking part in the Warsaw Security Forum (WSF). Established in 2014, the Forum is a leading conference in Central and Eastern Europe’ it is devoted to issues of international security.

The Belarusian politician held a number of bilateral meetings with politicians; in particular, she has met with Polish President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday.

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Tsikhanouskaya and Duda discussed the current migration crisis on the EU borders, as well as the measures that might be taken to repel a hybrid attack by Minsk.

In addition, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya is expected to participate in the panel discussion ‘A frozen border? Long-term prospects of Russian influence in Belarus and Ukraine’. She is also going to see the representatives of the Belarusian diaspora in Poland on October 6.

Previously, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya met with Andrzej Duda in early June. Then she thanked President Duda for the initiated and adopted EU Assistance Plan for Democratic Belarus and comprehensive assistance to Belarus, i.e. Kalinowski Program, support of independent media, including Belsat TV, assistance to relocated people and businesses, support for the Centre of Belarusian Solidarity and the Belarusian House in Warsaw. They also discussed, among other things, speeding up the process of establishing cases of universal jurisdiction in Poland; increasing pressure on Alyaksandr Lukashenka and recognition of the regime as terrorist.

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