Political prisoner sentenced to four years in Minsk on far-fetched pretext

Pavel Lukayanau. Photo: spring96.org

On October 1, Central District Court in Minsk sentenced 27-year-old political prisoner Pavel Lukayanau to four years in a reinforced regime colony. The criminal case against Lukayanau took one day: the trial started in the morning, and the verdict was pronounced at 4 pm.

The case was considered by judge Dzmitry Karsyuk; the prosecution was supported by Artsyom Tsvyatkou, reports “Viasna.”

According to the indictment, on the night of August 10-11, 2020, Lukayanau participated in protests in the Minsk center, urged citizens to join in, “demonstratively stood on the container, put up barricades.” The political prisoner was accused of disrupting the work of the city passenger transport and damaging the garbage can.

Pavel Lukyanau pleaded guilty only in part. According to him, the drivers themselves blocked the road. Lukayanau said he did not see any violent actions. Admitting jumping on the garbage container, the political prisoner said that he did not shout slogans and did not participate in the construction of barricades. Pavel Lukayanau disagreed over the fine he was to pay for blocking the roads altogether.

The representative of Minsktrans, who spoke about the damaged containers, couldn’t tell what kind of damage Lukayanau did precisely.

However, under part 2 of article 293 of the Criminal Code, he was sentenced to four years imprisonment in a reinforced regime. As requested by the prosecution.

Lukayanau has been in custody since July 23.

