Berazino: Police raid home of blogger Pavel Vinahradau, detain him

Pavel Vinahradau. Photo: Belsat

On Monday evening, the police made an unexpected visit to Pavel Vinahradau’s house in the town of Berazino and carried out an ‘indoor inspection’, i.e. search.

Blogger Vinahradau is an author of one of Belsat TV satirical shows and former political prisoner.

A bit later, Pavel’s father Yury Vinahradau said on Facebook that his son was being taken to a temporary detention centre. He is expected to be tried under Article 24.23 of the Code of Administrative Offences (‘violating rules of holding or organising mass events’) for allegedly participating in an unauthorised rally. Computer equipment was seized during the raid.

Search of house in Berazino. Photo courtesy: Yury Vinahradau

When reached by Belsat, Yury has suggested that the case against his son was launched on the back of Pavel’s post in which he criticized emigre politician Pavel Latushka for his calling on Belarusians to take to the streets on May 9, when Victory Day is celebrated in Belarus. However, apart from a number of pickets, there were no mass protests either on May 9 or May 10. Yury Vinahradau believes that the post was just a flimsy excuse for the detention, and the real reason is the security officerswish to retaliate against his son.

Opposition politician Pavel Latushka: ‘We are actually having fascist regime in Belarus’
