Polish festival reserves seats for imprisoned journalists

Places for Belarusian journalists, who are now behind bars, were reserved at the festival, organized by the Polish TV in Warsaw. Plaques with the names Katsyaryna Andreyeva, Darya Chultsova, Iryna Slaunikava, and Andrzej Poczobut were placed as a sign of respect for colleagues serving sentences for doing their job.

The International Festival “The Hearth of Europe,” organized by Polish television, is the first festival of TV projects entirely devoted to Central and Eastern European countries. It aims to promote television creativity in the region and develop the public media and strengthen their role in the media landscape across Europe.

“The festival aims to strengthen the community in this part of Europe, to stimulate the exchange of ideas, to share content,” say its creators.

At the festival event, four seats in the hall were empty. They were symbolically reserved for Belarusian journalists.

“There are not enough Belarusians at our table. We must be together and remember our brothers and sisters. These seats are reserved for Darya Chultsova, Katyaryna Andreyeva, Iryna Slaunikava and Andrzej Poczobut. There should be more of them…” explained this symbolic gesture Mateusz Matyszkowicz, vice-president of TVP board.

“Dear Belarusians, we are waiting for you to join us and sit at our table,” he added.

