Tsikhanouskaya and US Ambassador Fisher lay wreaths at Kalinouski’s grave

U.S. Ambassador Julie Fisher and Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya have laid wreaths at the tomb of Belarusian, Lithuanian and Polish hero Kastus Kalinouski at Rasos cemetery in Vilnius. Thus the politician and the diplomat marked the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus, reports Telegram-channel of Tsikhanouskaya.

For the last few days, Julie Fisher, who has been appointed U.S. ambassador to Belarus, has been in Vilnius. Here the diplomat met with Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, representatives of her office, the Cabinet of Representatives as well as some Belarusian initiatives and organizations. Yesterday, together with Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Julie Fisher laid flowers at the burial site of Kastus Kalinouski at the Rasos cemetery in Vilnius.

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya and Julie Fisher at Kalinouski’s grave. Photo: https://t.me/tsikhanouskaya
Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya and Julie Fisher at Kalinouski’s grave. Photo: https://t.me/tsikhanouskaya

“This week can really be called the week of the heroes of Belarus: February 2 was Kalinouski’s birthday, February 4 – Kościuszko’s birthday. However, the main heroes of today’s Belarus are those who are in jail for their views. Those who take to the streets. Those who sacrifice themselves every day for freedom. Today we honor Kalinouski, and in our thoughts everyone who continues to fight for a free Belarus,” said Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya.

