Babruysk: Hunger-strikers put in disciplinary cells

Remand prison in Babruysk. Photo:

Six persons sentenced to administrative arrest are reported to have started hungerstriking in the remand prison of the town of Babruysk.

“There are already six hunger-strikers in Babruysk pre-trial detention centre, all of them have been placed in punitive confinement,” Taisiya Kabanchuk, a former head of the local department of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, said on Facebook on April 7.

As reported earlier, Ivan Manko, who had got a 30-day term in jail, was the first to embark on a hunger strike on March 27. Then Uladzimir Mikhalap (30 days); disabled person Syarhei Byalyayeu, Alyaksandr Parakhnevich (20 days each); Pavel Kabanchuk and Syarhei Mardushkou (15 days each) joined him. Kabanchuk and Mardushkou were tried and sentenced over having a Pahonya sticker on the car and hanging out a white-red-white flag on the balcony, respectively.

It should be noted that trade union activist Halina Smirnova told Radio Svaboda that the arrestees stopped their hunger strike, but she confirmed their being incarcerated.

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