Brest: Mother of two Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk stands trial over taking part in protests

Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk and Andrey Sharenda. Photo: Belsat

On Monday, Maskouski district court of Brest has started hearing the case of Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk, a local activist and mother of two minor children. The woman was arrested in her own apartment five months ago.

The defendant is charged under three articles of the Criminal Code: Art. 368 (‘insulting president’), Art. 369 (‘insulting a representative of the authorities’) and Art. 364 (‘violence or threat of violence against a police officer’).

Trial of Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk. Brest, 7 June 2021. Photo:
Trial of Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk. Brest, 7 June 2021. Photo:

The trial is being conducted by judge Yauhen Brehan. Palina’s husband, Andrey Sharenda, is present in the courtroom. The state TV channel Belarus 4 repeatedly attempted to interview him, but the man has declined comment.

On January 3, the police knocked down the door, raided Sharendas’ place and seized a number of things. At that moment, Andrey was serving a term for participating in a protest rally in November; Palina was detained and taken to the remand prison in handcuffs.

In late February, Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk was taken to the so-called Navinki from the local detention facility on February, 23. According to her husband, she was forced to undergo a forensic psychiatric examination at the Republican Scientific and Practical Centre for Mental Health in Navinki residential area in Minsk.

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