Belarusian diasporas support compatriots and react to events at home

Belarusian communities all around the world continue to exert pressure on the authorities of different countries to respond to the repression in Belarus. They also hold actions and performances to show Belarusians at home that they have not been forgotten.

We have collected photos and messages from diasporas, which they have sent to our editorial office to convey their solidarity to you.

Regular action of the Moscow diaspora

“Every day, free Belarusians in Moscow and concerned Russians come out, because the pain and tragedy of the Belarusian people has attracted everyone to the embassy. Everyone expresses their solidarity and help in any way they can, so “I’m coming out.” We have one goal – to support the Belarusian people, we are the voice of those who have suffered, died, those who just can’t go out in Belarus right now. We show the world that the Belarusians yearn for Freedom, remember their heroes! What matters most is Belarus!”

The Belarusians in Moscow support their fellow countrymen. Photos sent by Belsat readers

“Free Belarusians of Moscow and concerned Russians remembered that Mikita Krautsou and Raman Bandarenka could have celebrated their birthdays, but it will never happen because they were tortured to death. A similar fate could have befallen Khrystsina Tsimanouskaya when they wanted to remove her from the Olympics in Tokyo by force. But by joint action, the Belarusians of the world managed to prevent it! Together we will win! Long Live Belarus!”

The action of the Belarusians in Moscow on the birthdays of those killed during the protests. Photo sent by Belsat readers

The Belarusians of Odessa express their solidarity with Khrystsina Tsimanouskaya and believe that sport should not ruin people’s lives

The Belarusians in Odessa support Khrystsina Tsimanouskaya. Photos sent by Belsat readers
Belarusians in Odessa support Khrystsina Tsimanouskaya. Photos sent by Belsat readers

“We hope for a successful resolution of the situation for Khrystsina. The junta declares that sports are outside of politics, but at the same time it forcibly prevents athletes from performing their dreams, just because of the truth. We appeal to the entire sports community… Show courage and solidarity with your colleague! Is the fear for the loss of prize money stronger than the desire to be honest?”

On August 1, a rally was held in Wroclaw to support Belarusian lawyers

By defending those who participated in the protests and we sentenced under the “people’s” article 23:34, many lawyers lost their license and the ability to do their work honestly. Holding up a portrait of Maksim Znak by Belarusian artist Hanna Radzko, the Belarusians in Wroclaw were reminded that the closed trial of Maksim Znak, who has remained behind bars since September 2020, would begin on August 4. He faces up to 12 years in prison. He is one of those who opened Belarusians’ eyes to the laws during the election campaign.”

“We believe that Belarus will soon favor law!”

Solidarity action in Wroclaw. Photos sent by Belsat readers
Solidarity action in Wroclaw. Photos sent by Belsat readers

In memory of Vitaly Shyshou

The Belarusians of Odessa came to the action of remembrance.

“Today the Belarusians of Odessa came out to honor the memory of Vital Shyshou. He became another victim of a crazy usurper, who considers a personal enemy everyone who does not agree with him and who wants justice.”

Action in memory of Shyshou in Odessa. Photos sent by Belsat readers
Action in memory of Shyshou in Odessa. Photos sent by Belsat readers
Action in memory of Shyshou in Odessa. Photos sent by Belsat readers

The Belarusians of Moscow at an action of mourning over the irreparable loss suffered by our society – the murder of Vitaly Shyshou in Kyiv.

“Just yesterday, we were united by the hope that the man will be found alive and healthy… But this morning, the terrible news hung heavily in our minds… The events of last year, when one after another, similar victims of fascist murderers shocked everyone, rushed before our eyes as if they were still recent. We hope that this political crime will be the last straw… so that everyone will unite and finally break the back of the bloodthirsty agrogang!”

We express our deepest condolences to Vitaly’s widow, as well as to all the family and friends of this Belarusian man. He did a lot to help his compatriots caught under the pressure of the junta. Your deeds will always be in the memory of a renewed free Belarus, Vitaly … Rest in peace.”

Action in memory in Moscow. Photo by Belsat readers

Memorial in Poznan

Memorial in Poznan. Photos sent by Belsat readers.

The Belarusians from Biala Podlaska and Garbów held a rally near the Belarusian consulate in memory of Vitaly Shyshou

The Belarusians of Biala Podlaska and Garbów. Photos sent by Belsat readers

Belarusians in Krakow gathered near the consulate of Ukraine to commemorate the murder of Vitaly Shyshou

Action in memory of Vitaly Shyshou in Cracow. Photos sent by Belsat readers
Action in memory of Vitaly Shyshou in Cracow. Photos sent by Belsat readers
Action in memory of Vitaly Shyshou in Cracow. Photos sent by Belsat readers

Action in memory of Shyshou in Cracow. Photos sent by Belsat readers

Belarusian-Belgian partisans carried out an act of sabotage against the Belarusian embassy in Belgium. Two bike locks were hung on the gate of the embassy. This is how they avenged the death of Vitaly Shyshou.

Belarusian-Belgian guerrillas hung locks on the gate of the Belarusian embassy. Photo by Belsat readers

Joint action on August 6 in London

In front of Prime Minister Boris Johnson‘s office, activists from Belarus, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Venezuela and Cuba demanded a consistent policy against dictatorial regimes from the British government.

“We are from different countries, but our countries have the same problems. Dictators kill their people, people do not have freedom and the right to vote, journalists are imprisoned … And we all together demand that the democratic world defends the principles of democracy not only in words but applies tough sanctions against dictators.”

Joint activist picket in London. Photos by Belsat readers
Joint activist picket in London. Photos by Belsat readers

Joint activists’ picket in London. Photo by Belsat readers

The Hague, Netherlands. March of solidarity and freedom. For more than a year, the Belarusians in the Netherlands have come out to support their countrymen and to make sure that The Hague Tribunal and international organizations do not forget about the Belarusian issue.

Photo by Belsat readers

March of solidarity with Belarus in Warsaw.

March of solidarity in Warsaw. Photos of Belsat readers

There was a large rally of support for Belarus in Stockholm. Two ministers of the Swedish government spoke at the rally. Minister of Foreign Affairs Ann Linde said an important thing:

“Fraudulent elections and brutal violence by the regime are unacceptable. Sweden and the European Union do not recognize Lukashenka’s victory in the presidential election, which was neither free nor fair. The people of Belarus have the inalienable right to choose their leaders in free and democratic elections.

The government of Sweden is seriously concerned about developments in Belarus. As we all know, the situation has continued to deteriorate recently.

Only peaceful and democratic processes supported by a strong civil society and covered by independent and free media will make a lasting solution to the current situation in Belarus possible.

What this political transit of power will look like should be determined by the Belarusian people. But Sweden and the European Union will support the Belarusian people and civil society of Belarus in all ways available to us. I will continue to advocate for human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Belarus.”

Solidarity action in Stockholm. Photo by Belsat readers
Solidarity action in Stockholm. Photo by Belsat readers
Solidarity action in Stockholm. Photo by Belsat readers

In Vilnius, opposite the Belarusian embassy in Lithuania, there is a prayer service initiated by the Lithuanian believers. Belarusians and indifferent citizens of Vilnius joined the action to pray for their Belarusian brothers.

A prayer service in Vilnius. Photo by Belsat readers

A funeral wreath for Lukashenka from the Belarusians was hung at the Belarusian embassy in Kyiv.

Photo of Belsat readers.

The Belarusian diaspora in Bialystok organized an action “Lukashenka stole our votes!” to mark the anniversary of the elections in Belarus.

About 300 people with white-red-white flags, a big banner “Lukashenka stole our votes,” posters in defense of independence and portraits of murdered and political prisoners marched through the central streets of Bialystok and held a symbolic action with voting at the Consulate General of Belarus.

Belarusian diaspora in Bialystok. Photo by Belsat readers

Large-scale Belarusian action in London. The long chain of solidarity was not impeded by the rain in London.

Belarusians in London. Photo of Belsat readers
Belarusians in London. Photo of Belsat readers

The Belarusians of Germany from Dusseldorf and North Rhine-Westphalia, represented by Josef Neumann, deputy chairman of the parliamentary group “Poland, Central, and Eastern Europe, Baltic”, condemned Lukashenka and assured that he will be tried at an international tribunal. The Belarusians held a march in support of political prisoners in Belarus and demanded an end to repression and new fair elections.

Belarusians in Germany. Photo by Belsat readers
Belarusians in Germany. Photo by Belsat readers
Belarusians in Germany. Photo by Belsat readers

The Belarusians of Philadelphia celebrated the anniversary of the election and the beginning of the Unity Revolution by becoming a chain of solidarity with the people of Belarus. The performance was part of an all-American action organized by the Association of Belarusians in America (ABA).

Belarusians in Philadelphia. Photo by Belsat readers

In honor of the first anniversary of the Belarusian choice, the Belarusians of San Francisco held a car rally near City Hall.

San Francisco. Photo of Belsat readers

The Belarusians also came to protest in Toronto.

“We gathered to commemorate one year since the August 9, 2020 election fraud. And one year later, we have one message: we will not stop!!! We will continue to fight for a free and democratic future for Belarus!”

Toronto. Photo by Belsat readers

In the center of Copenhagen (Denmark), the action “Mod og Modstand i Belarus” (“Courage and Resistance to Belarus”) is held on Kongens-Nutorv Square. This action, exhibition and related meetings were held for 20 days in different parts of Copenhagen.

Copenhagen. Photo by Belsat readers
Copenhagen. Photo by Belsat readers

The Belarusian diaspora in Japan reminded the world that exactly one year ago the people of Belarus made their choice: “Even our votes were stolen, as well as those of other diasporas in the world — the polling station was not even opened. We won’t forget and won’t forgive!”

Japan. Photo by Belsat readers

National meeting in the bamboo forest of the South Korea

Bamboo grows. Thyme smells. Long Live Belarus!

South Korea. Photo by Belsat readers

Our flag was in the mountains, it was in the sea… How do you like the flag at the experiment at the particle accelerator at CERN?

The Belarusian flag at CERN. Photo by Belsat readers

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya met with Belarusians in Norway

More than a hundred people gathered in Oslo. Svyatlana addressed the Belarusian diaspora and thanked for the struggle for democracy in Belarus:

“I am grateful to the Belarusian diaspora for their active work abroad. Thank you for your work with Norwegian politicians, embassies, the Foreign Ministry and Yara – it’s a huge help. Thank you for your work with the media, for the book club and the Belarusian film days – it’s incredibly important. Let’s continue our struggle until all the people in our homeland are free.”

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya met with the Belarusians in Norway. Photo by Belsat readers
Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya met with the Belarusians in Norway. Photo by Belsat readers

Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya met with the Belarusians in Norway. Photos of Belsat readers

An action of solidarity devoted to Stsyapan Latypau was held in Wroclaw. During the action, his colleague told people about Stepan. Unfortunately, new names were added to the posters with the names of political prisoners. We believe that soon legality and human rights will return to Belarus!

Belarusians in Wroclaw. Photo by Belsat readers

Victory is close, greetings from the Krasnodar region.

Greetings from the Krasnodar region. Photo of Belsat readers

Greetings from the Belarusians in Brazil.

Greetings from the Belarusians in Brazil. Photos of Belsat readers
