Belarus Sports Minister Kavalchuk orders internal purge

The Belarus Minister of Sports Syarhei Kavalchuk has ordered his subordinate directors to “purge” the Ministry of Sports of all those who didn’t sign for Lukashenka during the campaign in 2020 and then failed to understand their “mistake,” reports Trybuna.

Syarhei Kavalchuk. Photo:

According to the media outlet, Kavalchuk held a meeting with directors of the republican Olympic training centers (RCOT) and other organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Sports. The meeting was held in late 2021. The minister had a list of employees who had signed for alternative candidates during the presidential campaign.

The list included coaches and athletes and even janitors and checkroom attendants.

According to Trybuna, the Sports Minister asked to divide all the “wrongs people” into three categories. The first category would include those who took part in protests and were active in social networks. The second category consists of those who signed up for alternative candidates but didn’t go to the rallies and didn’t demonstrate any loyalty to the system. Finally, the third group includes those who have already understood their “mistakes” and openly support the current authorities.

Kavalchuk ordered that those in the first and second groups be “purged,” which means fire by any means. The managers had to do it before the referendum on the adoption of the new Constitution, which is to be held in February 2022.

