Over 870 people detained for political motives in Belarus in January 2021

Law enforcement officers detained 873 people in Belarus in January for their participation in peaceful protests, as well as for hanging white-red-white flags and other symbols in the windows, reports the human rights center “Viasna”. However, human rights activists believe that this information is incomplete.

Even minors were prosecuted. The youngest of them is 13-year-old Tsimur N. from Homiel region. The oldest detainees are 72-year-old Sviataslau K. and Alyaksandr B.

In January, the judges sentenced 304 people to arrest, 137 – to a fine. As many as 40 reports were sent for revision and only 6 administrative cases were terminated.

Judges Dzmitry Karsiuk issued the most politically motivated verdicts – 23 rulings on administrative responsibility, Maryia Yarokhina – 20 rulings, Maksim Trusevich – 17 rulings.
