Massive crackdown on independent media in Belarus

БPolice vehicles in front of Nasha Niva office. Minsk, 8 July 2021. Photo: radiosvaboda / Telegram

Since early morning, Belsat TV has been getting reports about persecuting independent media from cities and towns of Belarus.

At 6.30 am security officers started searching the place of Orsha-based journalist Ihar Kazmerchak; he was detained.

A few hours later, information about a raid on the popular Belarusian media outlet Nasha Niva appeared. Searches took place in their Minsk office as well as in the apartments of employees – both journalists and accountants. It is not ruled out that some of Nasha Niva contributors have been detained. Their news website,, has been blocked on the back of today’s decision by the Belarusian Ministry of Information.

Belarus authorities close down Euroradio news bureau in Minsk

Brest region is also a trouble spot today: security officers made an unexpected visit to the editorial office of Brestskaya Gazeta and Baranavichy-based Intex Press.

The website has also been blocked; TUT.BY team announced its launch as a substitute for the reputed news portal which was deactivated by the Belarusian authorities in May. The Euroradio mirror site stopped working as well.

Popular media outlet TUT.BY in crosshairs: Raids on offices, journos’ homes, website blocked
