‘Beauty Run’ held in Zhodzina despite petition against it

“Beauty Run” in Zhodzina. Photo: TK / Belsat

On March 8, Zhodino hosted a “Beauty Run” in which only women participated. Earlier the race, called Beauty Run was held in Minsk, but in 2021 it was canceled in the capital because of the coronavirus.

The initiative to run three kilometers from the prison, where thousands of people had been for a civic expression in the last six months, caused indignation among some Belarusians. They created a petition against holding the Beauty Run in Zhodzina.

Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat

Dozens of athletes, including Volha Mazuronak, Svyatlana Kudzelich, Maryna Arzamasava, Ayiaksandra Herasimenya, Alena Leuchanka and others, suffered because of their opinion, words and signing a letter against violence and for new elections,” reads the petition.

The letter was signed by 336 people and sent to the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, Zhodzina City Executive Committee and the Athletics Federation.

The Federation responded saying that in 2017 and 2018 Beauty Run was indeed held under the slogan “Women against violence” (gender violence with an emphasis on domestic violence. – Ed. note), but after all, Beauty Run is an independent event.

Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat

“Beauty Run” was held under the slogan “For a Healthy Nation”. There were several hundred participants, and they ran the distances of 2 km and 5 km.

Photo: Belsat
Photo: Belsat

In addition to the main categories, there were others: for best costume, for best poster, age categories (under 30, 30-40, 40+) and others. All participants were presented with medals and flowers, and the winners received cash certificates from 50 to 300 rubles. Everyone could be treated to tea and fish soup, as well as sit in a police car.

Photo: Belsat

