Bookstore lists most popular books in Belarus

Still from the film ‘1984’

Head of Belkniga, Alyaksandr Vashkevich, gave an interview to the Russian “Literaturnaya Gazeta” about the most popular books in Belarus by sales figures.

The first two places on the list are occupied by the books of speech therapist Nadezhda Zhukova, the author of several children’s educational aids.

“The third position is the work of Viktar Martsinovich ‘Revolution’ in the Belarusian language, publishing house “Knigazbor.” Fourth place – Orwell’s ‘1984 and’ ‘Animal Farm,’ from AST Publishers. The books that occupy the fifth through sixth places in Belarusian are those by Uladzimir Karatkevich – ‘Spikes under your sickle’ and ‘The Wild Hunt of King Stakh’ (issued by “Belarus”),” said Vashkevich.

The top ten also includes “Three Comrades” by Erich Maria Remarque, as well as the Belarusian-language “Magic Tales. How the Witchman Turned into a Wolf” by ‘Yanushkevich’ Publishers and “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. Rounding out the rating is ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess.

“I would add books by Bykau, Adamovich, Melezh, and Alexievich to this list,” said the head of the publishing house ‘Belkniga.’

He explained that the rating does not assess “neither the talent of the author nor the content of the work or its merit,” but only how ‘the buyer votes with their money.’
