EEAS spokesman Peter Stano about Belarus authorities’ recent actions: ‘Disregard for commitments within UN, OSCE’

Peter Stano, Lead Spokesperson for the European External Action Service, commented on another wave of persecuting journalists and activists in Belarus, citing Reporters Without Borders.

Peter Stano

“Crackdown against Nasha Niva and other media/journalists shows continued repression by the regime on independent voices and complete disregard not only for freedom of expression but also for its own commitments within the UN and the OSCE. It is unacceptable, deplorable and must stop,” he said on Twitter.

On July 8, Belarusian security agencies carried out a large-scale attack on independent Belarusian media outlets. Since early morning, Belsat TV had been getting alarming reports from various cities and towns of Belarus. A number of journalists were detained; the police conducted searches as well.

KGB reports ‘large-scale clean-up operation’. Results of Thursday’s attack on press and activists
