EU High Representative: Reversal of sanctions will only be possible once Belarus authorities cease all repression

On Sunday, Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, issued a statement regarding the anniversary of the outbreak of post-election protests in Belarus on behalf of the European Union.

According to him, on 9 August 2020, the people of Belarus saw that their hopes to elect a legitimate leader of the country brutally dashed.

Жузэп Бурэль. Фота:

“Since then, the people of Belarus have continuously and bravely stood up for the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. They have called for new, democratic elections. They have peacefully protested in the face of the Lukashenka regime’s disregard of the rule of law and Belarus’ international commitments and human rights obligations <…>. One year later, their call remains unanswered. The Lukashenka regime has cracked down on its own society, consistently deepening the rift with the Belarusian people. Representatives of the opposition and pro-democratic forces together with thousands of citizens from all sections of society have either died in unclear circumstances, been detained or forced to leave the country and live in exile,” the statement reads.

Josep Borrell recalled ‘a well-orchestrated repression and intimidation campaign’ against civil society and human rights defenders that was launched by the Lukashenka regime, as well as the systematic destruction of NGOs and independent media, ‘with the ultimate aim of silencing all remaining independent voices and suppressing civic space in Belarus’. He also made mention of the Belarusian authorities’ persecuting the Polish community in the country, the forced landing of Ryanair Flight 4978 in Minsk on and the instrumentalisation of migrants for political purposes.

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Together with like-minded partners, the EU has been vocal and united in calling on the Lukashenka regime to end its repressive practices. In line with its gradual approach, the EU stands ready to consider further measures in light of the regime’s blatant disregard of international commitments, he stressed.

‘The only way to end the political crisis is through an inclusive national dialogue. A reversal of EU sanctions will only be possible once the authorities in Belarus fully adhere to the principles of democracy and the rule of law, respect human rights obligations and cease all repression. The regime should release and rehabilitate unconditionally the more than 600 political prisoners, and engage in a serious, credible and inclusive political process resulting in free and fair elections under the observation of OSCE/ODIHR,” the head of the EU diplomacy said.

Once Belarus embarks on a democratic transition, the EU is committed to help Belarus stabilise its economy, reform its institutions in order to make them resilient and more democratic, create new jobs and improve people’s living standards, Borrell added.

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