Polish side reports presence of up to 4K migrants at Belarus-Poland border

Мigrants at Belarus-Poland border. 8 November 2021. Photo: Leonid Shcheglov / TASS / Forum

About 800 migrants remain near the border crossing in Kuznica, and people continue to be dragged to the border, Katarzyna Zdanowicz, a spokeswoman for Podlasie Border Guard Detachment, said at a press briefing on November 9.

According to her, 3,000-4,000 persons have settled in the forest on the Belarusian side along the Polish border. There have been attempts to illegally cross the border on Tuesday morning, but not near the checkpoint Kuznica, Zdanowicz added.

Poland is now experiencing the continued escalation of the border crisis, Stanisław Żaryn, Spokesman for the Minister-Coordinator of the Polish secret services, said in an interview with Polskie Radio 24.

“By our estimates of the total presence of migrants in Belarus, there may be between 12,000 and 15,000 of them there. This is the group that Lukashenka has managed to bring to Belarus over the recent months,” the official stressed.

Notably, the number of Belarusian officers near the border is constantly growing, the Polish police report. They refuse to communicate or engage with their Polish colleagues and ignore their requests to take measures and improve the situation. Today traffic has been suspended in both directions at the road border crossing point in Kuznica due to the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border.

‘These schemes have been working since 2010’: Former senior officer about delivering migrants to Belarus

