Union Resolve drill starts in Belarus

Personnel of antiaircraft missile system S-400 of the Eastern Military District has gone on standby duty at the range in Brest region during the testing of the Union State Response Force, reports the Defense Ministry.

The military rehearsed deployment of military equipment at the positions and began to perform the task of controlling the airspace.

The Defense Ministry specifies that the units’ personnel did a march of more than nine thousand kilometers from the deployment point in the Khabarovsk region.

The Russian-Belarusian drill “Union Resolve 2022” is the second phase of the so-called testing of reaction forces of the Union State. The exercise takes place on the territory of Belarus and will last until February 20. Their purpose is “to stop and repulse external aggression during a defensive operation and counter-terrorism and protect the interests of the Union State.”

According to the drill legend, two main rivals will fight each other. On the one side – the “Republic of Palessye” and the “Northern Federation.” On the other – the Western coalition of interested states: Neris, Pomerania, Klopia, and the terrorist organizations under their control. The exercise will take place at Damanouski, Hozhski, Abuz-Lyasnouski, Brestski, and Asipovichski training ranges. Baranavichy, Luninets, Lida, and Machulishchy airfields will be involved.

