RBC: Belarus starts negotiations about $3 bln loan

According to the sources of the Russian newspaper RBC in the Belarusian government, the Belarusian authorities are counting on a Russian loan of three billion dollars, which will be partially or fully provided by the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development.

Exemplary image. Photo: AB / Belsat

The RBC sources say this loan was one of the topics of the recent negotiations between the authorities of Belarus and Russia.

The fund representatives confirmed previous consultations with Belarus but said it was “too early to talk about the amount and specific timing.”

RBC notes that on September 8, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov (also Russia’s authorized representative to the EFDF) said that Russia could provide additional support to the Belarusian authorities, as “the neighbor is in a difficult financial situation.”

“But now the most important task is to stimulate the process of integration, the signing of the so-called strategic plans for the integration of our economies. Today, this is the most important thing on the agenda. But I do not exclude that we will provide any support to our Belarusian partners, if necessary.

