EU leaders say ‘yes’ to Ukraine’s European integration

On Friday night, EU leaders issued a statement saying that without waiting for the European Commission’s review of Ukraine’s official application for EU membership, the EU would quickly strengthen ties between the European Union and Ukraine, the BBC reports.

“On February 28, 2022, exercising Ukraine’s right to choose its destiny, the president of Ukraine submitted the country’s application for accession to the European Union. The Council acted swiftly and invited the commission to submit its opinion on the application following the treaty provisions.

As we wait, we will without delay further strengthen our ties and deepen our partnership to support Ukraine on its European path,” the EU leaders’ statement stressed.

Charles Michel, president of the European Council, emphasized that they would further strengthen the ties and deepen partnerships to support Ukraine.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said EU leaders have thus effectively endorsed Ukraine’s European integration.

The EU has also promised political, financial, material, and humanitarian support for Ukraine, assuring that it would help with all its might to rebuild a democratic Ukraine after the war.

The document stresses that “Russia and its accomplice Belarus bear full responsibility for this aggression, and the perpetrators will answer for their crimes.” The EU leaders are ready “to increase pressure on Russia and Belarus” and impose new sanctions.
