Opposition activist Statkevich says charges against him come in 110 volumes

Statkevich. Photo: Iryna Arakhouskaya / Belsat.eu

The wife of prisoner Mikalai Statkevich, Maryna Adamovich, has received a letter from her husband.

“The lawyers are not allowed to talk about the case due to the non-disclosure document. Information about it came only from the “interview” of the investigator in the SB. Even before that I persistently asked Mikalai to write me about the essence of the charges and accomplices. After all, he did not sign the non-disclosure document,” Adamovich wrote on Facebook.

Finally, she received a letter in which the politician said that the investigation into his case is complete:

Syarhei Tsikhanouski, Artsiom Sakau, Dzmitry Papou, Uladzimir Tsyhanovich, Ihar Losik will be tried together with me. Each of us is charged under Article 293 part 1. 1 (organization of mass riots accompanied with violence against persons, pogroms, arson, destruction of property or armed resistance to the authorities – Belsat). In addition, all the “accomplices”, except for me, have additional articles of the Criminal Code”.

The essence of the crime is described in the accusation part in an extremely verbose and confusing way. But in short, it could be described as follows: our statements critical of the government on the Internet caused an increase in protest sentiments and led to the gathering of a “disorganized mass of people,” who engaged in “mass disorder”. So we are the organizers of these “riots.” Feel the logic!

I have the impression that even the authors of this masterpiece of jurisprudence have not yet comprehended the colossal breakthrough they have made in the development of legal practice. The prospects that open up here can take your breath away.

Now we can accuse everyone who has criticized the government for the past 15 years (statute of limitations for especially grave crimes?) of “organizing mass unrest. True, there won’t be enough places in the colonies for all of these “criminals”. So they started with something small. Well, we can only be proud that we were chosen first.

I think the whole world will pay attention to this legal “breakthrough”. We should expect delegations from Venezuela, Iran, Hong Kong, etc. to adopt best practices. Finally, Belarus is the first in the world. At least in something.

On Friday I started reading through 110 volumes (!) of this “case”. They say it will take a month,” Statkevich writes.

Letter from Mikalai Statkevich. Photo: Facebook

