Music teacher to face trial for political joke in social networks

The prosecutor’s office has brought a criminal case against a 26-year-old music teacher charged under Article 370 (“Insulting the state symbols”) of the Criminal Code. Law enforcers are prosecuting the girl for a political joke in social networks.

“The accused changed the original text of the national anthem of the Republic of Belarus on March 31, 2021, using a cell phone and Twitter application installed on it. Then she posted a new text in a social network chat-channel, created by her, to demonstrate to other citizens the result of her offensive and blasphemous attitude towards the state symbols,” said the General Prosecutor’s Office.

A music teacher was detained for a joke on Twitter. Screenshot from Telegram video / police_minsk

The detention of the 26-year-old teacher was reported by Minsk police on April 30. The law enforcers forced the girl to say on camera that she repented for what she had done.

The law enforcers considered this joking text as a “crime.”

According to Article 370 of the Criminal Code, the teacher can be sentenced to community service or a fine, or correctional labor for up to two years, or arrest or restraint of liberty for up to one year.
