Detained exhibition organizer Hatsura-Yavorskaya transferred to jail

Tatsyana Hatsura-Yavorskaya. Photo:

Detained on April 5, human rights activist and organizer of the exhibition “The car breathes, but I do not,” Tatsyana Hatsura-Yavorskaya has been transferred from the TDF to the detention center on Valadarski street in Minsk, reported her acquaintance on Facebook:

“Her case is in the works, but the essence of the charges remains unclear (and hence the article). According to the law, charges must be filed within 10 days, so we wait until next Thursday.

Now Tanya is in pre-trial prison in Valadarka, some parcels were handed over and we can relax a little. Tanya is alert, as much as circumstances permit. She intends to fight to the end”.

The two organizers of the exhibition, Natallia Trenina and Tatsyana Hatsura-Yavorskaya, were detained on 5 April. In the afternoon they became unavailable by phone. Later it was reported that the law-enforcers searched their apartments and the office of the public association “Zvyano” and seized their equipment.

Tatsyana Hatsura-Yavorskaya, human rights activist and director of the educational-social public association “Zvyano” is detained as a suspect in the criminal case.

The exhibition “Machine breathes, but I do not”, dedicated to the heroism of doctors, opened on March 30 and was to run until April 17. But already on April 1, the sanitary inspection and the Ministry of Emergency Situations staff paid a visit to the facilities, found violations and ordered to close the exhibition.
