Woman heavily fined for sticker

Veranika Drabysheuskaya. Photo from her personal archive

Veranika Drabysheuskaya was sentenced in Dobrush district court, “Nasha Niva” reports.

Judge Svyatlana Lukyanava found Veranika Drabysheuskaya guilty of “violating the order of organization or holding of mass events” (Article 24.23 of the Code of Administrative Violations. (Article 24.23 of the Administrative Code) for posting stickers with Pahonya (Chase) and the slogan “Zhyve Belarus” (Long Live Belarus) in a local Telegram channel “Dobrush for life” in late August.

According to the accused, the police told her that the combination of white and red colors is prohibited in our country: “I asked him if everything already prohibited in our country, including thinking. He replied that you could think whatever you want, but you should not express it. During the conversation, he was pleased. Apparently, he had solved the case of the century.”

Veranika Drabysheuskaya did not admit her guilt and pointed out to Judge Lukyanava that in 2007 the “Pahonya” emblem was declared as having an intangible historical and cultural value by the Government of Belarus, and that even criminal responsibility was envisaged for its defacement. But the judge punished Drabysheuskaya with 100 base units of fine (2,900 BYN).

Veranika Drabysheuskaya has recently lost her job and now cannot pay such a big fine.

