Lithuania to terminate contract with Belaruskali

Belaruskali wagon. Photo:

The Lithuanian government has recognized the contract between Lithuanian Railways and Belaruskali as not matching national interests, DELFI reports.

On Wednesday, the government approved the conclusion of a special commission. The agreement between Lithuanian Railway and Belaruskali, which caused the scandal, was recognized as inconsistent with Lithuania’s national security interests.

By February 1, railroad transportation of fertilizers should stop because there is no legal basis for it anymore.

In December, the director of the Lithuanian Railroad was fired because of the scandal with Belaruskali. There were rumors that the entire government of Lithuania may resign over Belaruskali cargo transportation.

Earlier, Belaruskali cargo was removed from the strategic directions, while the 2022 budget was calculated without its cargo. But, according to the railroad management, it is possible to completely stop cargo transportation of the sub-sanctioned company only if the necessary legal framework, which is now lacking, is in place.
