US Senate wants to impose sanctions against Belarus for facilitating Russian aggression

US Senator from the Republican Party James Lankford has submitted a draft “Law on the responsibility of Belarus for aggression” to the upper house of the US Congress, RBC reports citing the politician’s website.

The document will allow imposing sanctions against “Belarus or any other country that contributes to Russia’s long-term unprovoked aggression against Ukraine”.

“Belarus lets thousands of Russian soldiers into its territory. The US must make it clear that any country that supports Russia’s move to invade Ukraine will face severe economic and diplomatic sanctions,” Lankford said.

It is noted that in the bill “there is no difference” between Russia and other countries that “in any way help” her in the aggression against Ukraine. Sanctions will be imposed for participation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the deployment of troops on its territory for the invasion, the supply of weapons, assistance to Russian intelligence, the transfer of material, tactical or other assistance for this invasion.

Earlier, the US authorities stated that the joint exercises of Belarus and the Russian Federation could be used to attack Ukraine from the north. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said last week that Russia had deployed about 30,000 troops to Belarus. He called it the largest troop deployment in Belarus since the Cold War.
