Doctor convicted 5 times for alleged protesting fired

Functional diagnosis doctor Ruslan Badamshyn has been dismissed from the National Scientific and Practical Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery. The official reason for the dismissal was that the doctor came to work two hours late, reports

Physician Ruslan Badamshyn was released from jail in Zhodzina on April 8 after 15 days of administrative detention. He was released at 7:30, at 12:00 he went to work.

“The administration convened a meeting, I provided explanations for where I was. On Friday I brought documents from the court, bills from the TDF. It seemed like everything was fine. And today, Monday, all of a sudden there is another meeting. At this meeting, I am shown the protocol, that I refused to explain in detail why I came to work on Thursday at 12 pm. I wrote on the record that the information was incorrect and I did not refuse. Within an hour, I brought a more detailed report to the administration as to why I came to work later on April 8. But by that time the order for my dismissal was already there,” says Ruslan Badamshyn.

The doctor considers his dismissal illegal and is going to sue. Ruslan Badamshyn was detained 5 times for alleged participation in an unsanctioned action. The last time he was detained was on March 24. Each time he was tried and sentenced to one day of administrative arrest.
