Investigative Committee opens criminal cases against BY_help and BYSOL founders

Andrei Stryzhak. Photo: Facebook

Department of Investigation Committee in Minsk has initiated criminal proceedings against the founders of a solidarity fund.

The founders of the BYSOL and BY_help, Alyaksei Lyavonchyk and Andrei Stryzhak are accused under Part 2 of Article 342 (“Other training of individuals to participate in group activities, grossly violating public order”) and Article 361-2 (“Financing of the extremist formation”) of the Criminal Code.

The IC stated that Lyavonchyk and Stryzhak “with the help of other persons” handed over the money to be used by Andrei Alyaksandrau and Iryna Zlobina to pay fines of protesters.

Alyaksei Lyavonchyk is said to be the co-founder and head of the organization “Y_help, whose activities are aimed at paying the fines received by the protesters. And Andrei Stryzhak is a member of the Coordinating Council, co-founder of BY_help and BYSOL, which deals with the financing of strikes of businesses, courtyard communities, funds of medical, sports and cultural solidarity. They are put on the international wanted list.

People who received money from BY_help after the August protests were summoned to the Investigative Committee and the FID for interrogation as witnesses in a criminal case.
