Former Minsk assistant prosecutor Yauhen Babak punished by arrest

Yauhen Babak. Photo: Nasha Niva

On the morning of June 10, according to the neighbors, a SWAT team in armored vests arrived at 29-year-old Yauhen Babak’s flat. The men shouted “Open up!” in the vestibule, and later it turned out that Yauhen’s apartment had been vandalized, reports HRC Vyasna.

Later it was reported that Babak was detained by police officers as part of the administrative case.

On June 11, the case of a former assistant prosecutor under Article 24.23 of the Administrative Code was heard in the court of Maskouski district. Judge Tatsiana Matyl found Yauhen guilty of picketing by posting a white-red-white flag on the balcony.

According to Yauhen, he found the national flag on 6 October and decided to put it up on 10 June in protest against violence. According to the report, employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime noticed it and came to Babak’s home to take away the flag. The man was detained at 10:00. At the trial, he said he saw no point in questioning the police witnesses.

Yauhen Babak was arrested for 15 days.
