Latushka calls on IMF to block Belarus from borrowing money

Pavel Latushka believes that the International Monetary Fund should not grant money to Belarus while Lukashenka is in power.

He made an appropriate appeal to the Managing Director, the Board of Governors, and the Executive Board of the IMF.

Latushka calls on the IMF to deny the illegitimate government of Belarus the right to any borrowing from the IMF and make an official statement on the suspension of access to the IMF funds for Lukashenka’s regime.

Pavel Latushka has called three main reasons for the IMF to stop any cooperation with Lukashenka’s regime:

  • The non-recognition of the legitimacy of the Belarusian leadership by most IMF member countries;
  • the European Parliament resolution of June 10, 2021, which, among other things, called on the IMF and EU member states “not to provide direct budget support to the regime under any circumstances and to refrain from using the special borrowing process announced for 2021;
  • An act of international terrorism: hijacking a Ryanair civilian aircraft using the Belarusian Air Force by the Lukashenka regime.

In addition to the address by Pavel Latushka, this position was also stated in letters sent to the executive director of the IMF from the USA and the Managing Director of the IMF.
