Justice Ministry set to run check on activity of non-state Union of Belarusian Writers

The Union of Belarusian Writers received a letter from the Ministry of Justice. The ministry demands the organisation provide a report on its activity in the period from January 2018 to July 2021.

Фота: Саюз беларускіх пісьменнікаў / Facebook

On July 13, the Union got a notice of receipt of a registered letter from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus. It was written on July, 6.

In the letter, Alena Kirychenka, the head of the Department for Non-Profit Organisations, informs that the Ministry of Justice is carrying out control measures to check the activities of the non-governmental organisation ‘Union of Belarusian Writers’.

The Union is bound to present lots of documents regarding its statutory activity for 3.5 years until July 13, i.e. today. Due to their inability to do so on time, the Union of Belarusian Writers addressed the ministry with a request to defer the submission of the documents to a later date.

The Union of Belarusian Writers is one of the oldest creative associations in Belarus; it was formed in 1933-1934. The group of professional Belarusian writers participates in the cultural life of Belarus, protects the rights and interests of authors, develops and promotes the Belarusian language and literature.

In June, the Ministry of Justice started monitoring the activities of the non-state Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). They were also pressed for furnishing thousands of papers (e.g. membership lists, minutes of all meetings of elected bodies, all incoming and outgoing messages during this period, all financial records, etc) dated since January, 2018.

Belarus authorities launch check into work of independent union of journos

