Belarusians of Bialystok support people in their homeland

Several dozen representatives of the Belarusian diaspora in Bialystok recently came to the city beach in Dailydy to support those who are struggling in Belarus and to show that Belarusians do not give up.

The Belarusians from Bialystok held an action of solidarity on December 12, 2021. Photo: Belsat readers.

Such actions are held here every week. They traditionally begin with a swim session. Belarusians with national flags enter the cold water, chanting slogans and singing songs. Then the action continues on the shore and the flags of the Belarusian regions and cities appear. This time there was a greeting from the Belarusians of Bialystok to the different cities of our homeland.

“Today we came out to hold an action in support of the cities of Belarus and the districts of Minsk. We express our solidarity with the people fighting for change in Belarus. The protest has not stalled, we will hold actions abroad, we do not give up and will continue to raise the Belarusian issue, and we will do it until we win,” Jan Abadowski, one of the protesters in Bialystok, told Belsat.

Other Belarusians support the protesters onshore.

The Belarusians from Bialystok held an action of solidarity on December 12, 2021. Photo: Belsat readers
